1) Egypt, Mexico, Peru and the Pyramid grid
SAMPLE 1. 2. 3. 2) Reinkarnation and Near Death Experience, The Wheel of Life 3) Vedic Astrology, Jyotish Vedanta SAMPLE 1. 2. 3. 4) Tarot, Cabbala and Your place in the Tree of Life 5) Bibelkoden 6) Reincarnated Knights Templars influence upon the Mysteryschool of Echnaton, Merovings etz. 7) The Siriusmystery and Flower of Life in the Mysteryschool in Sakkara-Egypt SAMPLE 8) Initiation in the Great Pyramid (Elisabeth Haich, Earlyne Chaney and their training for initiation in the pyramid) SAMPLE 9)The 7 chakras in the temples and pyramids amoung the Nile. Mysteryschool, Sacred Geometry, and Merkaba Meditation. SAMPLE 10) Zosers Mysterischol,Imhotep the Sirian and the hidden God of Universe. SAMPLE 11) Sirius and the Orionmysteri in the pyramids of Egypt 50 000 b.c.. Expriment with pyramidenergy. SAMPLE 12) The secret city and tunnels beneath the Sphinx. The Hall of Amenti and the Hall of Records SAMPLE 13) The Egyptic Book of Dead, The secret Order of MELCHIZEDEK, SOLIS SACRIDOTIBUS SAMPLE 14) Flower of Life / Livets Blomma, vem var Thoth? Alkemi Helig geometri, Merkabans Nyckel och Smaragdtavlorna
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